Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Group here

we have our first group here using the partially finished youth house and a room of the clinic

we will have more groups here as well...i am staying busy helping them and the mission both, so i'm not sure when i personally can update

but to keep up with them and a little bit of me through them follow the link:

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Having a busy weekend

We have a group of teenagers from GA (group of 20) staying in the bloquera bethel between our property and rostipollo in chinandega sharing books in the schools for book of hope...they did dramas in our friday night activity, we had a band here covering hillsong that Evan has been playing with, as well as some specials from a Christian rap band in chichigalpa. They put together a fun day for kids youth yesterday, and will do sunday school for all the kids up in the blue basketball arena in chichigalpla this morning

They will be here through thursday but will only be visiting schools and maybe showing some movies at night..not so much more with us involved i our group of 7 staying on land shadowing them as well as doing some of their own of God in chichigalpla is planning youth camps june 28 and aug today this morn from 6 AM (now) til 1 PM they are using our building to host this pre-camp to train leaders...the training will be for the leaders for those dates later on..we have 5 of our youth in this training.

Things are going great...our guards and consuelo are doing a great job taking care of our first hosted team on the land with meals and all other needs...they are enjoying it here, and we are hoping to see more of the house finished over the next 2 weeks they are here. They will be helping in building our goat shelter monday/tuesday now that it is rain season and most goats are staying 24 hours on land, not in homes of church members we need to get them out fo the rain to keep from getting sick

Hope all is well with each of you….want to give more updates about our team here, and how hosting them in the youth house is going, but my evenings consist of reporting each teams, new songs, and my own finances…plus I am still setting up my room. I am so happy to be in my room and Evan and Joshua are enjoying the youth dorm as well. The internet is working at good speed and we have it wired through a switch with up to 4 of us using internet at a time.
Hoping to get their doors bought and put on this week and then see other parts of the house added to. We also need funds to buy mattresses for the beds, right now people are sleeping on foam. God Bless everyone helping to see this house come along…we will be adding 4 more youth on June 15th and 17th.

Many Blessings,
Jim Bob / Diego
Juan 15:13