Saturday, October 11, 2008

October Update

PHOTOSTORY VIDEO UPDATE - of our most interested youth

hello to all and im sorry for being out of touch for so long...for the past month i have been working my way into living in Candelaria full time...i have been staying in the village 4-5 nights a week the last month and this weekend i am fully moving out onto the land...pastor jose and his family moved to bethel after his retirement and we are working to turn his house into a youth house with all my things in 1 room, and another room for the 3 boys that watch over the land and sleep in the church every night as security...when i come into leon for spanish classes and staff meetings i will have a little bit of time online and hope to keep up with each of you

i am also making plans this next week for my first return to the US since feb 14...ill be flying into raleigh oct 23, and then spend a week in boone, NC..on nov 1-2 ill be heading to florida and fly back to Nicaragua nov 6...i have plans to speak at a few churches the last week of october, and if anyone else would like to try and setup a time for me to share what God is doing here I would love to get with your church or youth group

when i return in november i will be put in by New Song as the Youth Pastor...we want to then work on fixing up the house as a youth house, that will also serve as a small store for selling used clothes and meals, snacks, drinks...the other bed rooms we hope to setup as classrooms for our bible study and children during evening service

i am hoping to raise funds to secure all the windows and doors, as well as add electricity and a kitchen not only for myself and the 3 boys living with me, but to give the youth a safe place to come and hangout, watch movies, play games, fellowship, pray, study the bible, get a hot meal or snack, practice dance or drama, and run small businesses as alternatives to laying around their house or in the streets

i hope this update finds all of you doing well, and i hope we have a time to meet up during my trip to the states...once i get back in november i hope to have a better update and video plan for the youth house and adopt-a-family that i am currently heading up

God Bless,
Jim Bob "Diego" Norman
john 15:13
Make 'em Smile

We have great news this month!!! Thanks to God and some dear friends, we will complete the Medical/ Dental clinic this year. Our administrator is getting busy preparing everything to comply with the government of Nicaragua and doing inventory this month. Once the clinic construction is completed we will build the kitchen and Bakery. We plan to begin our children's feeding project February 2009 when school resumes. We look forward to being able to serve the desperate needs of our community.
We are in a time of transition as our senior Pastor retired this week. He was 67 years old and in fragile health. We had a big celebration party for him to honor him and his family for 6 1/2 years of hard work for the Kingdom of God. Tommy is working with a team of local men and women to carry the many responsibilities of the community. Jim Bob Norman is going to live on the land and be our presence there.He is doing a great job with all of the new youth as they are growing in the Lord. They are really enjoying Tommy's discipleship classes!
It is exciting to see new life- spiritually and physically, seamless as a whole, transforming our community. Lives are being changed as people are finding their purpose in a framework of projects that give them a place to belong, be mentored, learn, and provide for themselves. Our Garden and our sewing group are finally self sustaining businesses, following a business plan that gives back into the community. We are harvesting fruits and vegetables now and have planted every square inch of our 5 acres possible to grow our own food so no one will be hungry.
I, Linda, am coming to the States November 7th-19th to present this mission to interested investors. Near the end of the year, charitable organizations may be interested in our work here and we would appreciate your help to locate or schedule presentations for me to come and share. This has been an incredible year and we stay in awe at how God has helped us during such times as we are in all over the world. Now that we are ready to open the clinic we need a broader funding base so we know that God will open that door. When He starts something He promises to finish it!
Please help us get our children adopted. Share this information with your friends to help us get the word out. For $35.00 per month you can choose your family on line, set up payments easily and we will personally take communications to the children for you. It is an opportunity to develop real relationships with families in another culture. It is a win-win for all!
We pray for you all, that God's blessings will outweigh the difficulties as you come to know Him in more of a reality than ever before.
We love you and feel thankful for your love!
Tommy and Linda