Sunday, June 8, 2008

Sunday in Candelaria

Scarleth went to Leo's baseball game in Leon, and Oscar took the day off. I took local transportation out this morning for Sunday School. Attendance was good in all 5 classes and they are starting to use the material Jennifer supplied for the appropriate age groups.

Around noon 2 guys with Living Water were working on cleaning the community well. They added clourine and flushed the entire pipes for the well that serves as cooking, cleaning, and drinking water. They will finish their work on it tomorrow and then some church members will pour new concrete around the base.

Freddy came out and 14/17 youth were there for drama practice. They are getting better and we are very excited for ACC to get here and help with drama. We are hoping to have them lead many different drama teams in the streets of Chichigalpa in late June.

I visited a few homes on my way out of Candelaria to the bus terminal and rode back to Leon in the evening.