Monday, August 25, 2008


This weekend we took a group of 50-60 people about 45 minutes north of Candelaria and Chinadega to the springs for baptisms and and afternoon of swimming and fun

Of the 11 people baptized, 9 were between the ages of 13-23. It has been so exciting in the past couple of months to see the changes in young people.

The youth that were baptized: Andres-13, Anthony-14, Claudia-23, David-14, Elizabeth-16, Itzel-15, Joel-13, Jose-18, Kenia-17.

Pastor Jose and Tommy did the baptisms with me helping in the water, while Scarleth translated and Daniel played guitar. The world race girls got a lot of pictures and videos that we will use friday night and hope to put online sometime next week.

After the baptisms, the kids enjoyed whatever snack lunches they packed and then had 4 hours to swim and play. There were three different pools at depths for all ages. Children ages 4 to adults in their 40s all had a great day.

We returned to Candelaria around 5 and the youth had planned a night service, but strong rains took out power for the night, they are hoping to have the service next saturday.

On Sunday, the world race girls and I hung out with youth and children after Sunday school. Leo and Scarleth rode out with Preston and Sandra for baseball practice. The Barnums got to spend some time visiting with Kervin, Andres, and other villagers for the afternoon before evening service when we all returned to Leon.